Sunday, January 20, 2008

1996-97 Fleer Basketball Series 2 European

2 of these packs I got got free from someone on Craigslist along with the '92 Pacific football packs I mentioned earlier. I'll crack the first one today. This European set appears to be the same as the regular set except there are a few more cards to this set. Plus I think they released this set in 7 different languages.. these packs being of the English language set.

Here's what I got:

#160 Houston Rockets
#205 David Ham [rookie]
#214 Jerome Williams [rookie]
#254 Allan Houston
#255 Larry Johnson

#312 Michael Jordan [all-star]
#314 Karl Malone [all-star]
#5 Grant Hill [swing shift insert]

Pack Stats:

What it cost me: nothing!
Beckett NM/MT worth: $5.50
Insert odds I beat: N/A
Most valuable card: #312 Michael Jordan [all-star] @ $2.00

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